Requests Intended Parents Make of Their Surrogates SurrogatesJennifer WhiteApril 25, 2017assisted reproduction, parents and surrogates, what IPs want from their surrogates
You Can Still Be a Surrogate, Even If . . . SurrogatesJennifer WhiteApril 4, 2017surrogate requirements, become a surrogate mother, insurance coverage for surrogates, surrogate medical history
What I Wish I Had Known the First Time I Was a Surrogate! SurrogatesJennifer WhiteFebruary 28, 2017Surrogacy 101, Surrogate Information, The More You Know, surrogate mother, life of a surrogate
New Year’s Resolutions for 2018 SurrogatesJennifer WhiteJanuary 26, 2017Resolutions, surrogate mother, surrogacy options for gay family, Surrogacy 101, surrogacy agency, Surrogacy Agency in Colorado, Surrogate Agency, surrogacy
What is the difference between gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy? SurrogatesJennifer WhiteJanuary 24, 2017Gestational Surrogacy, Traditional Surrogacy, traditional surrogacy Colorado, gestational carrier, In Vitro Fertilization, IVF Colorado, IVF
Mommy’s Having a Baby for Someone Else – Talking to Children About Surrogacy SurrogatesLexi DoigJanuary 10, 2017Explaining Surrogacy to a Child, A beautiful gift, Family, Surrogate family, surrogate mother, Surrogacy 101, emotional effects of surrogacy
Choosing the Perfect Surrogate to Grow Your Family SurrogatesJennifer WhiteNovember 15, 2016Surrogate Agency, surrogacy agency, Surrogacy Agency in Colorado, Traditional Surrogacy, traditional surrogacy Colorado, IVF Colorado, how to choose a surrogate
Colorado the Beautiful SurrogatesJennifer WhiteOctober 11, 2016Colorado Surrogacy, LLCSurrogate Agency, Parental Protection, LGBTQ Families, Surrogacy Agency in Colorado