Maternity/Pregnancy Leave: How It Applies to Surrogates and Intended Parents Maternity/Pregnancy Leave: How it applies to surrogates and IPs Read More Industry NewsJanelle DoddDecember 24, 2024bright futures families, assisted reproductive technology, assisted reproduction, ART, infertility, fertility, surrogacy, surrogate, surrogacy arrangement, surrogacy agency, gestational carrier, gestational surrogate, intended parent, intended parents, surrogacy journey, embryo, fertility clinic, embryo transfer, surrogacy agency support, agency support, independent surrogacy journey, intended parent free consult, parental leave, maternity leave, maternity leave for surrogate, maternity leave for intended parents, parental leave for intended parents, parental leave for surrogacy, maternity leave for surrogacy, pregnancy leave, legal protection, surrogacy law, reproductive law
Ask Jennifer! After a match is made, how long does the legal process take? Ask an expert!Lexi DoigMay 8, 2017surrogacy legal process, legal protection, ask jennifer, surrogacy laws, colorado surrogacy
Hot Sperm, Cold Eggs, and Thieving Penguins Above the LawJennifer WhiteMarch 30, 2017surrogacy, gay parenting, zika, legal protection
Dear Sassy Surrogate The Sassy SurrogateJennifer WhiteMarch 7, 2017legal protection, babysitting, surrogate mother, Surrogate Agency